Welcome to Ghyll Golf Club
The friendliest club in Yorkshire
9 Holes of varying challenges to the amateur golfer
Played twice from different tees
Guests and Visitors all welcome
Check the website for fees and availability
Inside the clubhouse
Function room available
Mens. Ladies and Junior Sections
Social Events held regularly
Join us for social activities - non-members welcome
The course is open. Visitors and guests are welcome at Ghyll. Guests must be booked in using the Club V1 members hub. Visitors can book using the Visitor Booking Option on the Ghyll Golf Club website Visitors cannot book on Tuesdays, Thursday am or Saturday / Sunday mornings. On Saturday 30th March Holes 1 and 9 will be closed from 1.30pm to 5pm

Founded in 1907

We are a members' club which offers a warm welcome to both members and visitors alike, located on the outskirts of Barnoldswick.

Ghyll has 11 holes – with nine in play at any one time – providing a true test of golfing ability.
The different combinations are known as the Tudor Course and the York Course with two new holes constructed ‘over the border’ in Lancashire during the 1990's.

A stream, trees, a small pond and strategically placed bunkers provide interesting features, and on almost every hole there are options.

From 6th July 2023, keypad access will be required for entry to the locker rooms. Please look under Green Fees for information on access.

For those who require them, the last date for buggy hire is 13th October.

At Ghyll Golf Club we aim to provide the best possible service and conditions for golf for all our members, families and guests in a professional and friendly manner.

Whats On

Ghyll Golf Open Day - 12th August 12 noon until 4pm

Everyone welcome! Come and have a go!

Use the practice nets, chipping and putting greens and go out on the course under supervision.
Clubs and balls provided if necessary.

Clubhouse, bar and catering by Ravine available.



Financial Information

Ghyll Golf Club is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Orchard Funding Ltd which is a lender authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with number 725315. Company number 06656377 registered at 222 Armstrong Road Luton LU2 0FY. Instalment credit option subject to terms, conditions, and acceptance.